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Heroes, Villains, and Clients That Hire Them,

OOC, it’s Comic Con Week! Here’s what we have happening:


  • The King of Cosplay Parties himself - Bernie Bregman -  is part of the JFH Fam. That means ALL JFH cast members can get on the guestlist for all 3 of his San Diego Comic Con parties.  

  • If you want to attend, reply to this email, DM @justiceforhire on IG, or DM me, “Jan”, on the JFH App.  

  • Be sure to include your real name AND your Hero, Villain, or Client name from the JFH App for you and everyone going with you.


  • DYK that all JFH cast members have access to special assets like original graphics, sounds and music by cyberpunk legend Angelspit and iconic hip hop producer Sage? 

  •  This video how to access all of it:


  • We’ve launched the JFH Action Film School on our  YouTube channel to share how we make our fight scenes, train, and design camerawork. Today’s video shows you how to make the “rolling fight camera” effect from films like Furious 7 and more:

  • We’re dropping 3 videos per day and we’d really appreciate you subscribing to our channel to help us grow.  

  • You’ll also find playlists for the main JFH series Seasons 0 & 0.5, Hero Training, Behind-the-Scenes and more.


  • We’ll be at SDCC Saturday 7/25 @2:05pm for a screening of an action short from our JFH fam Nick Forrest (aka Midnight Noir on the JFH App) and Patrick Forrest (plays a lot of goons).

  • Let us know if you’re there and want to film with us (DM me, “Jan” on the JFH App).

Stay heroic and more good to come!

With Heart,

Jan aka Hero 0

The time has come for our BIGGEST VIDEO EVER, JFH: The Story So Far..., showing how EVERYONE on the JFH App is part of one cinematic universe, and how each character can appear in our show!

It's a huge honor to make this show and build our shared universe with you.


A LOT of exciting things will come from this video.


One thing I'm working on is partnering with a streamer like Netflix or Amazon to expand our show into longer form content starring our community. I'll keep you updated on this, and you can expect a widescreen version of The Story So Far... soon to play for the more traditional film & TV audience.


Up next, we'll continue where we left off with new episodes of JFH Hero SZN and you'll see more Missions & Challenges for you to take on within the JFH App that can be included in videos like today's release.


Finally, I'm going one-by-one and saying hi to every JFH Hero, Villain, and Client on the app. Check your JFH DMs for the message, Ally or Rival me, or feel free to reach out to me first (search "Jan" on the main wUrld page where all the cast is listed). I LOVE all of the amazing character's y'all have created.


Sending heroic thoughts your way with heart,


Jan aka JFH Hero #0

Heroes, Villains, and Clients (who hire us),

Chapter 1 of JFH Hero SZN is complete and Chapter 2 part 1 just dropped TODAY!

You can remix the original soundtrack of any of these episodes in your own action scenes and upload to the JFH App to be featured in this season with heroes from aroun the world. 🎥🤜😭

See you on set!


Jan aka Hero #0

JFH Founder

DISCLAIMER: JFH Is NOT a vigilante app. JFH is a show made on the ReelwUrld cinematic social network 🌎🎬📲.  All characters and stories are fictional, made up by people like YOU.  🥷🦸🦸🏿‍♂️🦸🏻‍♀️  Any similarities to real world events are intended as social commentary.  PLEASE, don’t do anything STUPID when making your scenes. 🙏

Your Cinematic Universe™.

Justice For Hire® is a registered trademark ™ and © 2024 Creative Impulse Entertainment, Inc.. Many characters and names that appear in our shared story are owned by and trademarks of their respective creators.  People just like YOU. Create with us safely.  While making your scenes, PLEASE don't do anything STUPID. The JFH App is powered by ReelwUrld™.

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